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It's Always Construction in Cleveland

It's Always Construction in Cleveland

Downtown Cleveland has such a great feel to it, even with the orange cone decorations that never go away. It's always evolving, and breathes at just the right pace. What's that smell? In the words of Liz Lemon, it's Cleveland!

These retro landscape photos were created in Cleveland.

Winter, I forgive you

Winter, I forgive you

The change in weather allows for much happier thoughts.

These scenic landscape photos of Lake Erie were taken at Edgewater Park.

frozen scenic

frozen scenic

It was a bitter cold day. The sky opened up and let some light through so we decided to grab some photos of Lake Erie in its frozen state. By the end we couldn't feel our fingers. It was worth it.

These beautiful scenic winter landscape photos were taken at Lake Erie in Cleveland, Ohio.

Tara Arthur

The stars aligned: a random friend request, led to a chat, which led to blue chalk on some hands, which led to an abandoned building, which led to this magic. I first saw Tara's look through the lens of her friend Beth Gordon. Those photos impressed me and I knew we could make some epic photos together.

view complete collection of Tara Arthur | download collection in facebook resolution | download collection in print resolution

These fun and beautiful model portfolio photos were taken at Wade Oval Park by The Cleveland Art Museum.