We rolled into the nation's capital just as the festivities of Memorial Day were kicking off. We saw beautiful architecture, awe inspiring monuments, and memorials that are truly moving. At Arlington National Cemetery we were thrilled to be part of a ceremony at the Women’s Memorial where we heard different woman from each branch of Armed Forces discuss what Memorial Day means to them. They told personal stories of friends and family lost, of honor, and of integrity. They whispered fallen soldiers names as their voice began to crack while they paid tribute. We went on to see a ceremony in which the children of a recently interred soldier honored their father at the tomb of the unknown. Countless headstones, all aligned perfectly from any angle, rolled on for miles. These are the experiences we will take with us on our journey of life.
These images were created in Washington, DC at the Arlington National Cemetery, The Woman's Memorial, The Vietnam Veterans Wall, The Korean War Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, WWII Memorial, and The Washington Memorial.